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Regulating the Global Brothel

This type of behavior, although acceptable among their peers, was frowned upon by their social betters and deemed wildly inappropriate Logan, Opinion Editorials. If there's even one girl, she'd still have the right not to be raped day and night.

California makes it Prostitutes Prospect crime to loiter with the intention to commit prostitution, and on first blush the law seems to make perfect sense. It makes it easy for police to intervene in the sex-for-sale trade, which is not only illegal but often practiced by adults and minors who are forced into the activity by force, fear or other form of coercion along with adults who engage Prostitutes Prospect sex work by choice. And it gives police a tool to combat virtual red-light districts, which degrade the feeling of safety in marginalized neighborhoods that are already struggling with safety.

If prostitutes are victims of human trafficking, arrest only exacerbates Prostitutes Prospect trauma.

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Treating them instead of their customers as criminals enhances Prostitutes Prospect power their pimps or other enforcers have over them. The prospect of arrest gives police enormous leverage, which is sometimes exercised to compel them to disclose information about their associates, customers or pimps, potentially subjecting sex workers to retaliation. Actual abuse of sex workers by Prostitutes Prospect officers is not the norm, but neither is it rare.

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And people engaged in sex work, whether of their own volition or out of fear or desperation, say that the prospect of arrest makes them less likely to seek help, either to exit their difficult and dangerous trade or to protect their earnings, or themselves, from those who would harm or rob them.

People not involved in the sex trade Prostitutes Prospect been arrested under the statute merely by being outside in their own neighborhoods and fitting a profile based on their clothing, their race, Prostitutes Prospect age, if they appear to officers to Prostitutes Prospect transsexual, and other subjective factors.

Prostitutes Prospect, arrests of actual prostitutes have done little to close down high-frequency sex corridors. So what does work? In Los Angeles, crime rates in neighborhoods frequented by prostitutes have dropped after police task forces have focused on the supply side: the johns.

Using technology and often coordinating with law enforcement offices in other states, sex customers are identified and dissuaded or arrested. Sex workers who no longer fear arrest are more willing to cooperate in stings that target abusive johns and Prostitutes Prospect.

Clearly, many people react uncomfortably to the idea of sex as just another good that may be purchased on the open market.

Prostitutes Prospectsoon to face a vote in the Assembly, would repeal the statute that criminalizes loitering with intention to commit prostitution. It deserves support. There are those who insist that a smarter tactic would be to legalize sex work by competent adults.

Under the bill, prostitution would continue to be illegal, and prostitutes could still be arrested for offering sex for money. They just could no longer be arrested for looking like they were about to offer sex for money.

There is an understandable fear that Prostitutes Prospect the law will leave some neighborhoods more vulnerable than ever to becoming Prostitutes Prospect red-light districts. But as is the case in Cook County, police in California have full tool kits for combating prostitution tracks without arresting prostitutes.

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So do clinicians and outreach workers well-versed in trauma, mental health, substance abuse and recovery. Employers threaten migrant sex workers with deportation if they inform the authorities about inhumane labor practices--and even if women could report their situation, the authorities might Prostitutes Prospect take it seriously. The migration of sex workers to the developed world is part of a wider pattern that sociologists call the "feminization" of migration.

Until very recently, most labor migrants were Prostitutes Prospect who worked in mining, manufacturing, and construction.


Prostitutes Prospect women migrated, they did so under family reunification statutes, often with children in tow. As industrialized economies become more service oriented, the jobs available to migrants are increasingly in the "female" sector, which includes everything from maids to nannies to exotic dancers. Male migrants entered the formal labor market Prostitutes Prospect formal channels. Prostitutes Prospect didn't have the most attractive types of employment," she notes, "but at Prostitutes Prospect they had work permits.

Women have been relegated to the informal sector in traditional women's work: Prostitutes Prospect and sexual services, either in the sex industry or in arranged marriages. These jobs are often not recognized as 'work'; there are no labor protections for them, no access to legal working permits. Despite the very real conditions of abuse, Wijers is careful not to call all low-paid female immigrants--or all migrant prostitutes--victims.

For many women now, as has been the case for men for centuries, migration is a calculated financial decision, with Prostitutes Prospect seen as a way to make money. Sex work, like providing paid domestic services and child care, is a way to support family or children back home or to start a new life in the West. But these women are intelligent, enterprising, and courageous. It is quite a Prostitutes Prospect to leave your family and your security to go abroad, into a situation where you don't know exactly what to expect.

Wijers has staked out a defensible middle ground between the strict abolitionists and the prostitution-as-self-expression promoters: She supports a woman's right to control over her own body, as Prostitutes Prospect as a prostitute's volition as an economic actor, without valorizing sex work as a liberating profession. As one of the chief investigators for a report on trafficking prepared for the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Wijers is one of the world's foremost experts on forced prostitution, but she finds the Prostitutes Prospect of victimization supported by the United Nations to be sentimental and overly simplistic.

The reality in her native country, the Netherlands, is more nuanced.


But when you have spent some Prostitutes Prospect of time in a country, you start to make contacts and to organize. Soon these Prostitutes Prospect were sending for their aunt or their sister--they were organizing the migration of female friends and relatives. Prostitutes Prospect a few 'generations' of migration, this group of women learned Dutch and became more independent.

One of the most reliable studies of sex tourism, conducted by the ILO incorroborates Wijers's observations. In order to use labor laws to protect Prostitutes Prospect in the sex industry, the legal status of prostitution and its offshoots--brothel keeping, pimping, soliciting, paying for sex--would need to be re-examined.

After all, Prostitutes Prospect Department of Justice does not ensure minimum wages for drug runners or concern itself with working conditions Prostitutes Prospect the Mob. But whether or not we approve of sex work or would want our daughters to be thus employed, the moral argument for condemnation starts Prostitutes Prospect fall apart when we consider the conditions of abuse suffered by real women working in the industry.

Criminalization has been as unsuccessful in dismantling the sex industry as it has been in eliminating the drug trade and preventing back-alley abortions.


Sex work is here to stay, and by recognizing it as paid labor governments Prostitutes Prospect guarantee fair treatment as well as safe and healthy work environments--including overtime and vacation pay, control over condom use, and the right to collective bargaining. A decision to re-evaluate the legal status of the sex industry in the United States would not be without international precedent. Prostitution is legal while subject to varying degrees of regulation in England, France, and many other parts of Europe.

InGermany eliminated the legal definition of Prostitutes Prospect as an "immoral trade," thus allowing sex workers to participate in the national health insurance plan. Prostitution is also legal in parts Prostitutes Prospect South America and the Caribbean, and in some counties in Nevada. In areas where Prostitutes Prospect is legal, brothel keeping--or profiting from the proceeds of prostitution--remains a crime.

Prostitutes Prospect the Netherlands, a country notorious for its laissez-faire attitude toward sex work, legalized brothels only Prostitutes Prospect ; and the concern that, as sanctioned businesses, brothels would sprout up on every street corner there has proved unfounded.

Brothels are now subject to the same building codes and municipal ordinances as any other business--including zoning laws that keep brothels contained in established red-light districts. As one of the only countries with a Prostitutes Prospect decriminalized sex industry, the Netherlands provides the fullest illustration of how legalization can operate. Amsterdam's red-light district occupies a maze of narrow streets in the oldest part of the city.

Residents who have no interest in frequenting the sex shops can avoid the area without inconvenience.

Even in the dead of winter, packs of foreign men gather in the narrow alleys to gawk and knock on windows. Some of the Prostitutes Prospect behind the windows look Dutch, but Marisha Majoor, who greeted me at Prostitutes Prospect Prostitution Information Center's storefront, corrects this impression.

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Dutch women, who can work in the comfort of their own homes, don't bother with the hustle of the red-light Prostitutes Prospect. Until last year, Amsterdam's windows were full of illegal immigrants from Africa and eastern Europe. Brothel and Prostitutes Prospect owners estimated that between 40 percent and 75 percent of the women in the red-light district were working illegally. All of that changed with the legalization of brothels.

On August 6, Christina Arnold found herself in Svay Pak, Cambodia, an area full of wooden shacks, bars, and brothels 11 kilometers from the. During the Victorian Age, prostitution was a wide-scale problem in Britain. The very essence of it went against every moral value that was promoted during.

If an illegal worker was discovered, all that could happen is Prostitutes Prospect she would be deported Prostitutes Prospect the club owner would be given a fine. There was no real Prostitutes Prospect for the brothel owners to deny jobs to illegal migrants. Now they can lose their license. There are still a few African women working in the red-light district. Some of them have married Dutch men; others have forged passports from Italy or Greece, allowing them to Prostitutes Prospect in the European Union.

One landlord, a gray-haired, heavyset man known as Marcel, owns 20 windows; his "tenants" are mostly from Africa. He claims that all of his "girls" have legitimate papers and, when pressed, pulls out a blue binder stuffed with Prostitutes Prospect passports from Ghana and Nigeria.

The passports may very well be real, but according to van Doorninck, the working papers could not have been. There is no legal way for a woman from outside the EU to work in prostitution. Potential immigrants from outside the European Union "can apply for working papers if they Prostitutes Prospect a viable business plan and can prove that they are capable of taking care of themselves without becoming dependent on the state," says van Doorninck.

rights violation only if it involves overt coercion or exploitation. They are silent, however, concerning the human rights implications of prostitution. Twenty-two women, including the alleged madam, Wai Hing "Kitty" Chu, were charged on a total of prostitution and immigration-related.

The women working in Marcel's windows are lucky. Most of the Asian, African, and Prostitutes Prospect women left in Amsterdam are working on the street or in unregulated black-market brothels.

Of Human Bondage

The Dutch Prostitutes Prospect decision to regulate brothels was based less on morality than on economics. The sex sector had long been "officially tolerated" or in Dutch, gedoogt ; by legalizing its activities, the government is able to collect revenues from licenses and taxes. And from the workers' perspective, legalizing the sex industry--and thus barring foreign women from working in licensed brothels--follows from a classic trade-protectionist motive.

Why offer jobs to non-Europeans when there are plenty of women in Holland and elsewhere in the Prostitutes Prospect Union who are willing to work in the Dutch sex industry? Before the change in brothels' status, "there was definitely tension between Dutch prostitutes and the migrant workers, a competition over prices," remembers Wijers.

The Red Thread does not allow illegal migrants to join. The Dutch experience Prostitutes Prospect decriminalization suggests that the reaction of the sex industry to the stresses of globalization is not unlike that of, say, the garment industry here in the United States.

Domestic workers resent immigrants, who are eager to find work at any pay and consequently create downward pressure on wages. Arriving in the country with few resources and little command of the language, immigrants are often shunted into the informal economy, which in this case means shady makeshift brothels and back-of-the-bus-station encounters. L egalization Prostitutes Prospect be limited in what it can do to reach the nearly invisible population Prostitutes Prospect illegal migrants who work internationally in the sex industry.

Both of the Prostitutes Prospect measures define trafficking as an explicitly sexual crime--an act of violence against Prostitutes Prospect than as a by-product of an ever more global marketplace and the increasing feminization of migration. Any policy that will Prostitutes Prospect improve the often deplorable working conditions in the international sex industry must confront the economic realities of the profession without getting distracted by the sexual ones.

To those who feel their moral hackles rising at the prospect, Ann Jordan of the International Human Rights Law Group presents a compelling analogy: "We don't support a woman's right to choose because we think abortion is a great thing," she says, "but because we believe fundamentally that women should have control over their own reproductive capacity.

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If during the examination, a venereal disease was identified by the examiner, the prostitute would then be detained in a hospital for a specified amount time so that the disease could be handled and cured if possible McHugh, They wanted to install Miller -- even though Karl Rove didn't like him, according to a private e-mail footnoted in the Hertzke book.
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Editorial: Repeal loitering laws that target prostitutes. They’re not effective
PROSTITUTION has flourished in Cleveland since its founding, East side prostitution, however, remained concentrated along Prospect, Carnegie, EUCLID. Twenty-two women, including the alleged madam, Wai Hing "Kitty" Chu, were charged on a total of prostitution and immigration-related. On August 6, Christina Arnold found herself in Svay Pak, Cambodia, an area full of wooden shacks, bars, and brothels 11 kilometers from the.
The group condemned the acts and fought hard for a repeal against them alongside social activists, who inspired by these women, rallied together to speak out against the acts. For Cohn, the important thing Prostitutes Prospect freeing women and children from bondage. It was an unsavory profession, and, unfortunately, it was often considered a necessary evil. New York: St. Sex workers who no longer fear arrest are more willing Prostitutes Prospect cooperate in stings that target abusive Prostitutes Prospect and pimps. Some of the women behind the windows look Dutch, but Marisha Majoor, who greeted me at the Prostitution Prostitutes Prospect Center's storefront, corrects this impression. Women source performed this act were most commonly those who supplemented their daily income with money they could earn by prostituting on occasion, but there were also some who used streetwalking as their primary source of income.

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Women who worked in factories worked Link men for long hours and sometimes late into the night; this type Prostitutes Prospect setting often led to cases of corruption and rape. As can be seen, despite the variation in practices and activities among prostitutes, the uniformity in their social interactions helped to group them together under an umbrella of commonality that prevailed upon them in situations of distress. Endorsement: Sydney Kamlager for Congress.

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