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The Syrian women and girls sold into sexual slavery in Lebanon

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Paul says he has not received any further threats from the traffickers. Jeffreys, S. He Prostitutes Reda that lately, he has considered stopping his volunteer work because of the emotional toll it has taken.

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Elsa Rakotoson. Paris, France. Frenzy Paris. Xavier Beauregard. Youri Guerassimov. Louis Haffreingue. Ben Fordesman. Lawyer Hasna Abdulreda meets dozens of these Prostitutes Reda during detention visits.

In researching this feature, Al Jazeera tried to speak to survivors through Prostitutes Reda, local journalists and local refugee camp leaders. However, those who were prepared to speak asked for money Prostitutes Reda exchange, requests that appeared to come from husbands and other relatives. Permission to access Baabda female prison — where Prostitutes Reda of the women arrested for prostitution are held — was not granted.

Duringthe ISF adopted a policy of trying to root out all cases involving potential trafficking victims through its Human Rights Unit.

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As ofat least training sessions had been given to the 37 law enforcement agents Prostitutes Reda to the unit Prostitutes Reda help them identify and deal Prostitutes Reda suspected trafficking cases. But, according to Alef, a human rights watchdog based in Prostitutes Reda, and other organisations, these training sessions are rarely given to those on the front lines and are, therefore, missing their target.

Ashraf Rifi, who served as minister of Prostitutes Reda between andand who was ISF director-general from tosays Prostitutes Reda could take 10 to 15 years before there are significant changes in how cases of human, and specifically sex, trafficking are identified and combatted. The ISF is also responsible for investigations into exploitation networks. Meanwhile, hundreds of women continue Prostitutes Reda fall through the cracks — treated like criminals Prostitutes Reda of victims.

More than half of them were Syrian. The only support available to these women after they are released comes from charities. Here, the volunteers Prostitutes Reda emotional and practical support to women Prostitutes Reda were forced into prostitution, trying to address Prostitutes Reda legal, medical and Prostitutes Reda needs. Most of them are in fact trafficking victims — but ISF did not understand they were victims. As soon as they leave the prison, they rarely get any kind of support and they are immediately back in the network of their exploiters.

When Al Jazeera spoke to Joseph Mousallem, a spokesman for the ISF, he Prostitutes Reda that the difference between prostitution and trafficking is not well understood Prostitutes Reda police officers. A GS officer estimated that there are at least women and girls who have been forced into prostitution in these areas. Prostitutes Reda do our best, but not have the means Prostitutes Reda the resources to track the victims.

Prostitutes Reda 10 years, she has provided legal support to women in jail, and she is currently the head of the legal department Prostitutes Reda the Lebanese Centre for Human Rights, a local Prostitutes Reda. Because they are Prostitutes Reda, they are held by the GS for up to two days after being released from Baabda, Prostitutes Reda says.

The Hooker and the Necrophiliac: Directed by Mike Reda. With Anthony J. James, Diana Riley. "Not everything is what it seems when two people get together in. Natasha Reda Published: May 23, Below, check out celebrities who worked as sex workers before becoming famous.

Even when trafficking cases go to court, the odds appear stacked against victims of sex trafficking. Legal Agenda analysed Prostitutes Reda 34 trafficking cases that made it to court in Lebanon between and In certain cases they ruled that the Prostitutes Reda was not to be considered a victim of trafficking as she consented, at Prostitutes Reda to some extent. If you do not fit into this stereotype, you are hardly Prostitutes Reda as a victim of trafficking.

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Frangieh says that as well as reflecting a general prejudice against women in prostitution, this view has also been influenced by the Chez Maurice case.

Prostitutes Reda, despite their name, free agents still operate under the Prostitutes Reda and control of a trafficker. Along with the Catholic NGO Prostitutes Reda Caritas, Kafa runs a shelter for female survivors of violence, mainly domestic workers who have been abused by their employers.

But their resources are limited: SinceKafa has been able to offer protection Prostitutes Reda approximately women, 20 of whom all Syrians were sex-trafficking survivors. It is impacted by where it is done, i. An insistence on variance within the industry reflects a deeper engagement by researchers with sex workers themselves ibid.

Sex workers themselves have published their accounts of how their jobs should Prostitutes Reda viewed. Some explained that they were supporting their families, a transwoman admitted that she lost her job upon transitioning, and a gay man said that it was the loss of familial support that made him consider the job.

It was as if, Smith and Mac Prostitutes Reda, people continue to expect jobs to have a fulfilling transcending meaning, a passion that exceeds the monetary gain.

Ethnographies and blogs that detail the experiences of sex workers often repeat the same mantra: the conditions of sex work are highly contingent on a set of Prostitutes Reda, economic, and social conditions — they are Prostitutes Reda the same.


Admittedly, it is ludicrous to suggest that Prostitutes Reda sex worker operating from her private property in San Francisco dealing sex work to men working in Silicon Valley is no different to a person selling sex from a rented apartment in the outskirts of Prostitutes Reda to someone they met online.

The anthropological and historical literature on sex work Prostitutes Reda also attested to the fact that the industry arises to greater commodification Prostitutes Reda life.

The scripts of Gilgamesh Prostitutes Reda of Shamhat, a sacred Prostitutes Reda who would entice men to abandon the savagery of wildlife for the fruits of Mesopotamian civilisation. In the writings of Nils Ringdal, the only way for Ancient Greek women to attain freedom was through sex work The profession became more hegemonic Prostitutes Reda times of significant urbanisation, dissolution of familial structures, and higher rates of waged labour ibid.

Prostitutes Reda historical work is accurate, the discourse of social reformers reverses the trajectory of this matter: people tend to take up sex work because family structures and patriarchal entities themselves fail to provide for everyone.

Hammad, Sex work is imagined as a contributor rather than a symptom of more substantial structural decline. It is in the reformist view a catalyst rather than a response. One anthropologist Prostitutes Reda this very process among the Huli of Papua New Guinea. Huli people often paid exorbitant bridewealth upon marrying. Holly Wardlow conducted her study during a time of increased male migration to mining towns, where men would leave their wives home alone Prostitutes Reda barring them from moving freely outside Prostitutes Reda homes In case of assault, they found themselves abandoned by Prostitutes Reda kinship structure, as their partners Prostitutes Reda families did not bother helping them with litigation.

With the failure of patriarchal reciprocity — that is when women feel they have not received their fair share of the family wealth in exchange for the labour that they have put in, men and family members are interested in women Prostitutes Reda as far as they secure them bridewealth, and women respond by mobilising their sexuality for their gain.

If sex work emerges as a response to precedent deficiencies in the allocation of resources and the capacity of women to secure their safety and wellbeing — then we cannot treat it as an isolated phenomenon that acts upon the status of those engaged in it.

What is perhaps different about sex work is the threat it poses to our mainstream conception of what is public and what should remain private c. Day, Many forms of sex work, for women especially, is ultimately about the commodification of intimate relations, relations which to most of us often maintain explicit and intricate rituals to make appropriate. Of course, this is far from the truth: sex work, despite its changing facets, has been endemic to human civilisation.

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In this conception, sex trafficking is an exceptional and highly exploitative form of sex work — not unlike the exceptional labour conditions imposed on domestic workers in Lebanon and the Gulf. To say that sex trafficking is ultimately an exceptional form of sex Prostitutes Reda is not to confuse the two. Indeed, right-wing moralistic groups and oppositional feminists Kafa included have insisted on the collapsing of sex trafficking into sex work — seeing the latter as evidently leading to the former.

Instead, it is the illegality of migrant Prostitutes Reda, the limits on their work rights, and the economic vulnerability brought by the looting and banditry of the Lebanese state that places people in conditions that make them prone to sexual and labour exploitation. The similarity between the two is also constructed on the premise of there being no such thing as voluntary sex work.

This second argument is equally dubious: people generally find great dissatisfaction in their work despite the respectability of their job, and there is no way to prove whether someone is Prostitutes Reda coerced if Prostitutes Reda claim that Prostitutes Reda are making a choice.

In this case, it remains a moral and political duty to improve the labour conditions of those who constitute part of the labour market for sex work. The Lebanese state displays a complex and often confusing stance on sex work.

The state first legalised the industry in under the French mandate. During then, certain brothels were given Prostitutes Reda legal permission to operate, vaccinations and check-ups were mandated weekly, Prostitutes Reda the government classified workers through a two-rank tier Khalaf, Virtually little is known of the lives of sex workers between that period and now.

One reason for this is the fact that the sex workers were in precarious legal position when the government stopped issuing legal licenses for sex work in the s. In an Prostitutes Reda published in Foreign Prostitutes Reda Anderson,the journalist could speak to one of the workers, Linda, while her boss was present. Legal and economic control over these women also silences them for fear of deportation. Often, sexual intercourse with clients occurs during the free time allocated to these women, absolving night club owners who employ Prostitutes Reda from legal prosecution and making it squarely the fault of the workers.

This exceptional legal prefiguration combines illegality, and the depoliticisation of the matter by referring to unelected officials of the General Security branch of governments to regulate it establishes this form of Prostitutes Reda sex work in Lebanon as a profit-making industry for the state and tourism industry at the expense of those doing the actual work. Behind this complex web of legal disavowal and deregulation stands a simple fact: the legal and social burden of the state-sanctioned industry is placed upon sex workers.

Harsh migration laws place migrant workers in the legal custody of their employers, giving them complete control over the mobility of their employees. We have a state that empowers the employer over the Prostitutes Reda of Prostitutes Reda employee. This positioning effectively transforms sex workers into sex slaves by reinforcing totalitarian control over the body, time, and mobility of the worker.

Following their escape, they caught a Prostitutes Reda to Southern Beirut, where they were redirected to the police. The ISF classified these raids as a publicity success despite warnings from Human Rights Watch HRW regarding the inefficiency of the Lebanese judiciary system in dealing with sex trafficking Middle East Eye announced that a senior police officer from within the morality unit was convicted for involvement in trafficking themselves For Kafa, the state must act as a better policeman, capable of safeguarding women and they mainly concern themselves with women from the dangers of sex trafficking.

Indeed, the ambiguous Prostitutes Reda status of sex work and the legally enshrined right of the employer over migrants facilitate Prostitutes Reda trafficking. The women who were brought into the country were tortured by a member of the Syrian air force Intelligence Shaheen, b. Prostitutes Reda, they were brought into Lebanon based on legal employment as restaurant workers. They Prostitutes Reda cherry-picked based on their vulnerability — knowing that they could get away with trafficking if their families did not ask for them.


If Kafa saw the problem of sex work as a problem of labour, better Prostitutes Reda might follow. In the struggle to stand in solidarity with sex workers, we must understand the whole web of laws, policies, and contingencies which shape Prostitutes Reda entry into the industry and their transformation from mere workers to trafficked victims. The difference between the two is contained within the laws of kafala, which place workers at the mercy of their employees — making them economically and legally dependent on their approval.

It also depends on the cultural and social stigma that sex work seems to bring workers, forcing them to undertake their business in secret, Prostitutes Reda else face retribution from their families and friends. Their website states that they are Prostitutes Reda first Lebanese organisations to target demand as the root cause of sex work, much akin to oppositional feminists discussed above.

After finishing the report, it Prostitutes Reda mainstreamed through TV awareness campaigns, university lecture visits, and public events.

Despite reaching out across Beirut to multiple rights-based advocacy organisations and feminist initiatives, it was only Kafa that was willing to come and speak.

The study builds its argument based on interviews with fifty-five men who purchased sex work at least once Kafa The report asks these clients questions about the whereabouts, reasons, and methods of procuring sex. Prostitutes Reda then goes on to frame the problem as Prostitutes Reda emanating from the source they have diagnosed. Clients are represented as the single factor from which springs Prostitutes Reda sex work industry.

From these premises, the report goes on to demarcate the demand of men for purchasable sex as the driving factor for the predicament that is sex Prostitutes Reda. KAFA, This is often referred to as the Nordic Model, as it originates in Sweden. It is no surprise that the rest of the report fixates on the misogynistic and ill-informed accounts given by clients on why men buy sex and how sex workers ought to behave.

From her office at the IOM headquarters in Beirut, she coordinates a regional taskforce to counter human trafficking in Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan — the countries most affected by the Syrian refugee crisis.

The report operates as a short circuit, immediately announcing the source of the problem then going on to investigate its origin and finding it where they said it would be.

This strategy Prostitutes Reda placing Kafa within the folds of conservative and moralistic right-wing movements that reject sex work on the same premise of its inherent moral vice. Moreover, this presumption cleanses sex work from the structural factors that situate it, such as the relationship between economic opportunity, access to marriage, and the taboo surrounding sexual activity in Lebanon. My friends were with me, and they advised me Prostitutes Reda try it.

All the answers are Prostitutes Reda copied in verbatim in large fonts across the report to paint a picture of the client as key. It is clear what Prostitutes Reda intention of such word placement is: fearmongering of Prostitutes Reda working-class male sexuality.

In highlighting these voices, Kafa creates an image of the consumer as a violent creator of the sex industry. What is then missing from the report is the voices of the women selling sex work themselves Prostitutes Reda the background of the men purchasing the sex. What occurs Prostitutes Reda this report is the fetishisation of the sexual desire of men as the sole harbinger of misery and violence upon sex workers. It is as if for the authors of the report, there is no labour law, no state to regulate, or a socioeconomic structure that brings both client and worker together.

It is through weaving such a narrative that Kafa can advocate prohibiting the purchase of sex work. Ultimately, we learn more about the lives of men purchasing sex than we do of the women selling it. The problem of sex work is portrayed as no longer that of labour condition, poverty, and abuse — it is merely a matter of distaste: how could the client have said such thing about the prostitute?

How could foreign men be buying their access to the bodies of women? Moralistic and arguably patriarchal instincts are conjured to claim that sex work is an intolerable and Prostitutes Reda non-reformable industry. It would Prostitutes Reda recognising that women might be reluctant to leave the industry and grappling with why that might be the case.

On this front, ethnographic literature on sex workers suggests that women in sex work experience more Prostitutes Reda over their wage, mobility, and stability within the industry rather than outside of it as workers within mainstream jobs c.


Greater control is especially the case when exit from sex work is usually an exit into a traditional heterosexual marriage, unstable waged labour, and new Prostitutes Reda of dependency ibid. It is these same conditions that the people who entered the business sought to abandon. When Kafa promotes its abolitionist Prostitutes Reda, it does so on the premise of the success of the Nordic Model. The model, implemented in Sweden, Norway, Prostitutes Reda Finland, criminalises the purchase of sex.

As the Finnish sex work advocate Essi Thesslund makes clear, this policy operates by inviting the state to criminalise buyers by surveilling sex workers. The policy model itself operates on the premise that all sex workers can be reallocated jobs or reintegrated into educational institutions. It fundamentally does not take into account the messiness of Prostitutes Reda social situations that lead into sex trafficking in Lebanon: dire migration rules, homophobia and transphobia that excludes people from the job market, and the sheer incapacity of the labour Prostitutes Reda to offer anyone without nepotism an entry.

To implement it Prostitutes Reda the sectarian and crony capitalist Lebanon without looking at the structural transformation is misguided, to say the least. One of the most popular responses to sex work in this model is the exit programs. They are premised Prostitutes Reda the inherent value of non-sexual work. It is difficult to imagine such work conditions existing anywhere, much less in a country in the midst of a financial crisis and revolutionary upheaval.

Corentin Harran. Justine Roche. Lawyer Hasna Abdulreda meets dozens of these women during detention visits. In researching this feature, Al Jazeera tried to. prostitution. Done. Show your appreciation with the gift of Flickr Pro · Jay Jay and charly unterwegs faved this. Comment. 6, views. 2 faves. 0 comments.

To be fair to Kafatheir report was published four years before the recent uprising. Yet, the country has struggled with financial woes and placed obstacles on employment for an extended period. First, we must recognise that in the coming Prostitutes Reda, the worsening economic situation will likely drive more individuals into sex work and create conditions that make exploitation more Prostitutes Reda.

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The response should not Prostitutes Reda to attempt to criminalise the buying and selling. This move would simply decrease the opportunities for sex work in Prostitutes Reda, without an alternative conceivable within the economic conditions — it is akin to telling sex workers to return to conditions of alienation and imposition that they sought to leave in the first place. Prostitutes Reda includes full decriminalisation, unionisation, provision of testing, and protection. Secondly, we must deal with the laws that exclude foreign men and women from labour protection.

This follows in line with the problem of sex trafficking. Kafa has long attempted to force the state to prosecute sex traffickers and not people usually women that are trafficked.

The case of Johnny Haddad, the police officer indicted of sex trafficking charges while working on the anti-trafficking unit shows the liability of the state in sex trafficking. Shaheen, shows that the state plays an active role in creating the conditions of tolerance for the proliferation of inhumane treatment of sex workers and sex-trafficked individuals.

In response, we must abandon work with the sectarian state as it stands and position ourselves with a total overhaul of state management of sex work. Instead, we must propose our law models that Prostitutes Reda sex work, protect migrant workers, and criminalise inhumane work conditions. Indeed, the Kafa report omits the voices of women, and their Prostitutes Reda, needs, Prostitutes Reda stories that might complicate the picture that Kafa is painting.

Prostitutes Reda that an alternative to sex work is not realistically possible, and that sex workers might Prostitutes Reda reject the idea of improved conditions — why not accept that these conditions are amenable to change? Without a viable labour market, it seems most realistic to advocate for the decriminalisation of the sex work industry writ large, and in line with that implement new labour laws that penalise exploitation and trafficking.

A union would encourage healthy and democratically driven policies that are Prostitutes Reda to improving conditions and ensuring that exploitation and trafficking are diminished.

Finally, more ethnographic research ought Prostitutes Reda be commissioned by civil society actors so that they might understand Prostitutes Reda comprehensively the issues and constraints of sex work as both a labour and feminist issue in Lebanon. I have argued in this paper how such a Prostitutes Reda can help us move beyond moralistic attitudes that tend to rely on a reactionary and fetishistic understanding of a complicated and overwhelmingly political situation.

What can be learned here is that sex work is not different from any form of work. It is here that we find why migrants and LGBT people are overrepresented in the sex industry: they are more likely to suffer from obstacles while entering the labour market. These obstacles, in addition to Prostitutes Reda general exclusion from kin-based networks of support, make them particularly vulnerable to exploitation in general.

In a country with weak access to education, it is no wonder that people find in their bodies a way to Prostitutes Reda wages and survive. What should be our response as activists and feminists? First, we must stay away from taking models developed in wildly different contexts and hoping to implement Prostitutes Reda here without adjustment. The refugee crisis, the absence of anything resembling a welfare state, and the rampant sexism and homophobia that the Lebanese state law Prostitutes Reda are remarkably salient for the issue of sex work.


Even if we hypothetically agreed that our goal is to eliminate sex work, we must think about what this means in a condition of perennial unemployment, a destroyed economy, and no labour protection across the board. We must also evaluate our stance Prostitutes Reda reforming the state, knowing fully well how great the state has been in perpetuating pimping through its security services and disregard Prostitutes Reda anti-trafficking law.

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Sex Workers as Workers: A Critique of Abolitionist Approaches to Sex Work in Lebanon
cocaine and methamphetamine distribution, prostitution and fraud. while Adams and Reda used the business to carry out prostitution. The conclusions based on this study are that because the factors that could be causes for human trafficking are found on all the levels, it is important that. prostitution. Done. Show your appreciation with the gift of Flickr Pro · Jay Jay and charly unterwegs faved this. Comment. 6, views. 2 faves. 0 comments.
The Syrian women and girls sold into sexual slavery in Lebanon
Lebanon, Sex and Kafa The Lebanese state displays a complex and often confusing stance on sex work. Asked whether there are gaps in the system for identifying the victims, Haddad answers immediately. One reason for this is the fact that the sex workers were in precarious legal position when the government stopped issuing legal licenses for sex work in the s. What can be learned Prostitutes Reda is that sex work is not different from any form of work. Instead, we must Prostitutes Reda our law models that decriminalise sex work, protect migrant workers, and criminalise inhumane work conditions. As soon as they leave the prison, they rarely get Prostitutes Reda kind of support and they are immediately Prostitutes Kamenjane in the network of their exploiters. By Daniela Sala.

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This is often referred to as the Nordic Model, as it originates in Sweden. In: Assister, A.

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