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The findings showed that the reasons for substance abuse among youths in Grabouw include multiple personal and contextual factors in which the family plays a major role. Prostitutes Grabouw used Ganga and that thing made me friendly with other people and put a smile on my face and made me enjoy the day.

The study by Botes also indicates Prostitutes Grabouw youths may use drugs to make them feel better about themselves. Chemical substances have been proved to have a function in facilitating relief from internal discomfort by heightening the euphoric experience, as became clear in the next subtheme.

In the Prostitutes Grabouw narratives various participants showed that they were involved in substance abuse in order to relieve stressful situations in their lives.

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But, well, Prostitutes Grabouw is a short-term solution; they then keep on taking Prostitutes Grabouw drug to the extent that they become addicted. The social auxiliary worker supported the above statement by saying:. So it's the anger, pressure at home and they see the easiest way out of their problems as Prostitutes Grabouw drugs. Dagga is mostly used by our youth to feel better and forget about their stressful situations. A Grade 10 youth made the following statement illustrating the complexity and multifaceted reason for substance abuse:.

For some people they use drugs because they have a long day at school Prostitutes Grabouw at work, and when they come from school they will come to stressful families who shout or even abuse them, so it will be difficult to sleep, so one would drug themselves or drink lots of beer and you will sleep like a baby and forget all your problems.

Zastrow reports that young people usually use illicit drugs as a way of avoiding different stressors in their lives and to create a sense of Prostitutes Grabouw. Some of the reasons for substance abuse are Prostitutes Grabouw manage stressful situations, to normalise painful conditions and for pleasure. NIDA states that traumatic events can also intensely influence the abuse of alcohol or other drugs, as trauma is a major contributor to the start and continuation of alcohol or other drug abuse.

Youths exposed Prostitutes Grabouw traumatic events in their Prostitutes Grabouw have a high chance of being involved in substance abuse NIDA, According to research done by Boteschemical substances enabled participants to act out sexual fantasies. Botes also noted that substance abuse could enhance sexual and euphoric experiences.

Method of data collection.

In this study some youths confirmed that they are involved in substance abuse because they want to increase their sexual stimulation and also need to enjoy Prostitutes Grabouw after-effects of substance abuse, such as euphoria.

This is evident in the following comment:. Some responded that they started to use drugs to experience a feeling of euphoria, which is defined as a state of intense happiness and excitement Oxford Dictionary, Chemical substances have the ability to change the brain's structure and its performance Van Eeden, as suggested in the following narratives:. Prostitutes Grabouw used Ganga and that thing made me friendly with other people and put a smile on my face and made me enjoy the day.

One of the parents reported that her daughter said that:. Nace in Erlank, states that substance use is associated with the experiences of relief, relaxation, escape, euphoria and sedation - the changes from the effect are a further motivation for future substance use.

The chemical substance user can escape negative emotional effects Prostitutes Grabouw create positive experiences.

Experimenting with alcohol and drugs as a reason for substance abuse has been identified as one of the reasons why youths are involved in substance abuse. A parent shared the following Prostitutes Grabouw her child:.

He said he had to do it because all the boys Prostitutes Grabouw he was friends with were already using the Tik. The following responses came from the focus group discussions with the youths:. Prostitutes Grabouw leads to people to want to experiment and they will become addicts. Arnett indicates that the predominant need to experiment and "see what it is like" and the influence of peers in this regard are also widely recognised as major contributing factors Prostitutes Grabouw drug abuse.

Louw and Louw assert that adolescence is a stage where individuals are eager to try out new things and that is when substance abuse Prostitutes Grabouw high. Adolescents pick up their Prostitutes Grabouw abuse habits from their society and they view it as something that would make them happy and can take away their life problems Donald et al. THEME 2. According to Hepworth et al. Newman, Harrison, Dashiff and Davies further add that during this fragile period in an individual's life, at-risk adolescent behaviour is often Prostitutes Grabouw on by the relationships between the adolescents and their parents.

Furthermore, McKinney, Donnelly and Renk emphasise that the way in which adolescents identify with their parents and bond with them has a significant effect on their later risk of the development of unhealthy behaviours and lifestyles.

The family at this stage plays a big part in shaping and protecting the lives of their children McKinney et al. The youths also reported exposure to domestic violence Prostitutes Grabouw and physical abusenot being accepted Prostitutes Grabouw family members, and poverty conditions.

Subtheme 2. The private family therapist who took part in this research emphasised that parents Prostitutes Grabouw not involved in their children's lives. The following narratives are the responses from two parents and they show how neglect and absence of a parent in the child's life can cause one to become involved in substance abuse. In a focus group a year-old boy confirmed that lack of parental involvement contributes to substance abuse.

Shaffer and Bukakto and Daehler agree that uninvolved parents can be described as making few demands, not acting quickly to meet their children's needs, and not talking together frequently.

This lack of nurturing impacts negatively on children, who then tend to have low self-esteem and lack self-control, making them more prone to be affected by peer pressure and experimentation with drugs in a bid to boost their confidence Shaffer, A social worker mentioned that. One of the youths confirms this:.

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Two youths also added that they started using drugs because other family members are also using. Prostitutes Grabouw comment from the youth confirms the link between the substance abuse of the parents and their lack of involvement with their children:.

One Prostitutes Grabouw the children, who is not a substance user but has friends who use drugs, said the following about why his friends are involved in substance abuse:. In relation to this, Arnett and Butcher, Mineka and Hooley write that adolescents are more inclined to use illicit substances when one or more of their family members have Prostitutes Grabouw tolerant or lenient attitude towards substance use or use it themselves.

Gwinnell and Adamec explain that some adolescents may be modelling their own parents who use substances, as some of the participants indicated. I watch them using and Prostitutes Grabouw is how l learnt to do it as well.

Parents who are illicit substance users have a higher chance of raising children who will later follow Prostitutes Grabouw pattern of drug and alcohol use. The longer the family denies that they are faced with alcohol and drug problems, the more vulnerable the family members become.

Absence of parental management of children because of the parent's heavy drinking and drug dependence makes children in that family four to eight times more likely to develop problems with alcohol and drugs Kirisci et al. Physical and emotional abuse within the family system was an aspect which was emphasised in the narratives given by the youths and the key informants.

De Genova Prostitutes Grabouw Rice refer to family violence as any harsh, boisterous, physical force or aggression, or verbal abuse by one family member towards another. Different participants stated that the reason they started using substances was because they were exposed to incidences of domestic violence.

An auxiliary social worker said:. The youths commented as follows:. After that l was not happy in my life and in this world so I did Prostitutes Grabouw ganja Prostitutes Grabouw I told you. I don' t like the word dagga because it is ugly.

That thing makes you friendly with other people; it just puts a smile on your face and makes you enjoy the day. One of the parents also said:. This has been affecting my son and he said to me one day, 'Mommy I would rather be high on drugs Prostitutes Grabouw day of my life so that I will not have to see the Prostitutes Grabouw you are getting from what dad is doing to you '.

So I Prostitutes Grabouw for him Prostitutes Grabouw drugs is a way of him dealing with our bad circumstances. Dube et al. In a study done at a public school in the USA, it was found that students who have been abused sexually and Prostitutes Grabouw have a higher rate of using drugs than the ones who were not abused.

THEME 3. Peers were the only factor in the meso system mentioned by Prostitutes Grabouw youths. Peer pressure, with the need to feel part of a certain group of friends, was pointed out by almost all the participants as one of the reasons why they started using drugs or alcohol. The need to belong to a gang shows their need for affection and acceptance. The peer group often has to replace the uninvolved family and it could be argued that the peers are actually part of the micro system.

Comments from the youths regarding their peers included the following:. The pharmacist from Grabouw Clinic said that:.


A social worker supported the above statements about peer pressure:. Peer pressure was further highlighted by parents:. Hoberg points out that adolescents "constantly seek reassurance and acceptance by peers". Genius states that the fear of being rejected often influences decisions and choices regarding engaging in Prostitutes Grabouw activities.

He further states that adolescents often believe Prostitutes Grabouw they will earn Prostitutes Grabouw respect of their friends and be viewed more favourably if they follow what is being perceived as a social norm, as in the case of substance use.


This need for Prostitutes Grabouw, belonging, acceptance and approval becomes of particularly great importance if you did Prostitutes Grabouw receive this at home. THEME 4. The macro system refers to the socio-economic, environmental and political context of the youths. Subtheme 4.

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Because of unemployment and financial struggles many families in Grabouw are living in conditions of extreme poverty and this has impacted on the lives of the youths. An auxiliary social worker stated:. So at the end of the day they end up making pocket money or end up getting addicted with the drugs because they usually end up taking drugs as well.

One of the youth commented:. You know, just to be able to forget poverty for a while. Roberts supports the above narratives stating that living in extremely poor conditions Prostitutes Grabouw a Prostitutes Grabouw impact on families, as they will be faced with too much pressure and Prostitutes Grabouw parents may not be able to nurture their children in a setting which is conducive to developing positive and supportive Prostitutes Grabouw.

For that reason children from these kinds of families have a higher risk of using illicit drugs in their lives, particularly if this is coupled with absent parents or parents who abuse substances themselves. One Prostitutes Grabouw the key informants who worked directly with the youths in Grabouw shared that unemployment and idleness among the youths who completed Prostitutes Grabouw and the school drop outs are the major causes of substance abuse in the district:. There is Prostitutes Grabouw to do for the youth in this community, some youths feel hopeless and it seems as if there is no one to cultivate the hope within these youths, teaching them new skills Not having anything to do, that' s when they start experimenting with drugs just to Prostitutes Grabouw themselves occupied, but in the long run they will get addicted.

The World Drug Report confirms that unemployment is one of the key socioeconomic drivers of substance use and drug trafficking. Being unemployed creates boredom. A youth development officer and some of the youths confirmed that boredom pave the way for the youths to become involved in substance abuse as they find themselves with nothing to do after school and work hours:. Of greater concern is that the poverty and boredom pave the way for unlawful activities such as prostitution, robbery, rape and even murder.


The above disturbing narratives are further supported by the collective research results published by the World Drug Reportwhich states that there are various ways in which substance abuse is directly associated with the fact that drug users turn to crime for them to sustain their drug-taking habits. In general, Prostitutes Grabouw are higher levels of drug use among criminals compared to the rest of the population.

Furthermore, most of the criminals will be under the influence of illicit drugs whilst committing Prostitutes Grabouw crimes World Drug Report, Crime Prostitutes Grabouw also related to drug trading and the money that Prostitutes Grabouw get from trading the drugs is used to fund more criminal activities such as those of illegally armed gangs. Usually when gangs are formed, it means there is more violence in the communities World Drug Report, Despite the regulations which prohibit alcohol being sold to under-age children, drugs and alcohol seem to be easily available and affordable for everyone.

The following narratives show how available and affordable substances that may be abused Prostitutes Grabouw in the community of Grabouw. The words of one of the participants provide a good summary of this article:.

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This comment summarises the Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory and the interaction between the Prostitutes Grabouw and his context. If the family do not provide a favourable context, then peers and other aspects Prostitutes Grabouw as easily accessible Prostitutes Grabouw will have an influence, as Prostitutes Grabouw study shows.

It is a matter of concern that the context of poverty, domestic violence, easy access to drugs, exploitation and little care for the youths exists in some parts of the community. The message to social service professionals and policy makers Prostitutes Grabouw clear. We have to assist families in raising healthy individuals, promote healthy marriages and families, encourage involved parents, parents who care Prostitutes Grabouw themselves and those around them and in particular their children.

We have to focus on the wellbeing of the youths, but in particular on the wellbeing of the parents to have the physical Prostitutes Grabouw emotional energy to Prostitutes Grabouw involved with their children. We need to facilitate healthy socio-economic environments in which families are able to live dignified lives. Feedback on the research results was shared with the community of Grabouw.

We do not have reason to think that the results of similar research in other towns and cities will be very different. The community of Grabouw can be commended for taking this bold step to Prostitutes Grabouw critically on the nature of their community. This is the first step to building hope. A follow-up appreciative study is planned to assist in the way forward. Social work themes, issues and critical debates 3 rd ed.

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